Masis Usenmez, EFIAP, GPU CROWN 2, SSS/B, born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1979, is a talented photographer based in Rennes, France. He rediscovered his passion for photography in his early thirties and pursued it by obtaining a degree in Photography from Anadolu University in 2013 and a Master of Photography from Marmara University in 2019.
Masis is a well-known name in the photography world and has competed in many competitions, earning more than 300 acceptances and medals. He has a special passion for street and documentary photography and likes to play with light and shadow to create a surreal feeling in his black-and-white images. His unique style has earned him many awards, including the Collectif du Hérrison Grad Prix and Photofolie Prix "Noir et blanc" in 2020.
Masis has participated in many exhibitions in Turkey, Europe, and the USA, showcasing his photography skills. He has been capturing rare moments of people on the street since 2008, and his images speak volumes about human life and culture.
Masis also works on commissioned projects, where he captures moments in events, concerts, performing arts, and more. He has shot for large music festivals like Rock OFF Istanbul and has captured performances by famous bands like Megadeth and HIM. He also captures dance performances by groups like Maral Dance Ensemble, bringing his unique style to commissioned work as well.
Masis is not only an accomplished photographer but also a teacher. He offers online workshops on street photography and one-on-one training to assist people with their initiation into photography work. His passion for photography and his desire to share his knowledge with others make him a valuable resource for anyone interested in pursuing a career in photography.

Auteur-photographe professionnel
Masis Usenmez, EFIAP, GPU CROWN 2, SSS/B est un photographe de Rennes. 
Masis Usenmez, né à Istanbul, en Turquie, en 1979, est un photographe basé à Rennes, en France. Il a redécouvert sa passion pour la photographie au début de la trentaine et l'a poursuivie en obtenant une licence en photographie de l'Université Anadolu en 2013 et une maîtrise en photographie de l'Université Marmara en 2019.
Masis est un nom bien connu dans le monde de la photographie et a participé à de nombreux concours, remportant plus de 300 acceptations et médailles. Il a une passion particulière pour la photographie de rue et documentaire et aime jouer avec la lumière et l'ombre pour créer une atmosphère surréaliste dans ses images en noir et blanc. Son style unique lui a valu de nombreux prix, notamment le Collectif du Hérrison Grad Prix et le Photofolie Prix "Noir et blanc" en 2020.
Masis a participé à de nombreuses expositions en Turquie, en Europe et aux États-Unis, présentant ses compétences exceptionnelles en photographie. Depuis 2008, il capture des moments rares de la vie quotidienne et de la culture à travers ses images.
Masis travaille également sur des projets commandés, où il capture des moments lors d'événements, de concerts, de spectacles et bien plus encore. Il a photographié de grands festivals de musique tels que le Rock OFF Istanbul et a capturé des performances de groupes célèbres comme Megadeth et HIM. Il capture également des performances de danse de groupes tels que Maral Dance Ensemble, en apportant son style unique à son travail commandé.
Masis n'est pas seulement un photographe accompli, mais aussi un enseignant. Il propose des ateliers en ligne sur la photographie de rue et une formation individuelle pour aider les personnes à s'initier à la photographie. Sa passion pour la photographie et son désir de partager ses connaissances en font une ressource précieuse pour toute personne intéressée à poursuivre une carrière en photographie.

Marmara University / Photography Master
2016-2019,  Istanbul
Anadolu University / Photography and Camera Operation  Associate 
2011 - 2013,  Eskisehir
Istanbul University / M.B.A. Master
2001 -2013,  Istanbul
Yıldız Technical University / Economics bachelor's
1996 -2000,  Istanbul
Avaissance S2 Artist, 2024
Celo Grant, 2024
Optimism's "We Love The Art," Finalist, 2024
Tuto.Com Street Photography Awards Second place, 2024
Sloika Photo Day Silver Metal, 2023
PISPA Silver Metal, 2022
AAP Magazine #15 Streets Merit Award, 2021
Collectif du Hérrison Grad Prix, Paris/France, 2020
Photofolie Prix "Noir et blanc", Thorigné/France, 2020
Sille Sanat Sarayı Yurdagül Özsavaşçı Kupası, Konya/Turkey, 2019
PSQ HM 2nd Queensland International Digital Circuit - Maryborough, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, 2015
SİLLE SANAT SARAYI MENTION, 7th International Photography Competition – Konya, TURKEY,  2013
PSA SILVER, All Photographers Are One World, SERBIA, 2015
FIAP MENTION, Adana Amateur Photographers Society (AFAD) 2nd International Photography Contest, TURKEY,  2014
RPS Gold, Bspa Super Circuit 2015 Freedom - Cox'sbazar, BANGLADESH, 2015
FIAP HM, Bspa Super Circuit 2015 Freedom - Barishal, BANGLADESH, 2015
SALON MENTION, 1st International Salon "Reflections SERBIA 2014", SERBIA, 2015
PSA BRONZE, All Photographers Are One World, SERBIA, 2015
FIAP 2 praise, 10th Exhibition Of Photography "Rock 2015" - Zajecar,  SERBIA, 2015
SALON 3 praise, 1st Exhibition Of Photography "Rock 2015" - Osijek,  CROATIA, 2015
SALON 4 praise, 1st Exhibition Of Photography "Rock 2015" - Vidin, BULGARIA, 2015

Personal Exhibition, 2023 France

2024,  ARTEXPO PARIS 2024, Paris/France
2024, Iran Intemporel, Maksim Art, Rennes/France
2024, Ferry Lines, Mois de l’argentique 2024, Rennes/France
2023, L'Inde, Maksim Art, Rennes/France
2023, Masistanbul, Festival Regards de voyageurs, Grand-Champ/France
2023, Istanbul En Noir et Blanc , Péniche Spectacle-Rennes/France
2023, Masistanbul, Maison du Quartier Villejean-Rennes/France
2023, Objectif Grégo Art, Saint Grégoire/France
2023, L'Image Publique, Rennes/France
2022, Maksim Art, Rennes/France
2022, Objectif Grégo Art, Saint Grégoire/France
2022, Les Solitudes, Rennes/France
2021, Festival Regards de voyageurs, Grand-Champ/France
2021, L'Image Publique, Rennes/France
2021, Objectif Grégo Art, Saint Grégoire/France
2021, Arles Festival Off, Arles/France
2020, Photofolie, Thorigné/France
2020, Objectif Grégo Art, Saint Grégoire/France
2019, Huawei Next Image-Paris Photo, Paris/France
2019, Fujifilm, Printlife-Salon de la Photo/France
2019, Images de la Ville, Rennes/France
2019, Photofolie, Thorigné/France
2019, Objectif Grégo Art, Saint Grégoire/France
2019, Festival International de la Photo Amateur (FIPA), Fère en Tardenois/France
2019, Les 4 éléments, Pacé/France
2019, Enfance Au Bord de Mer, Perros-Guirec/France
2018, Photobox Instagram Photography Awards (PIPA), Londra/United Kingdom
2016, LGBTI Direniş, Barış ve Onur Fotoğraf Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2016, ANAFOD Sema'dan Sema'ya Fotoğraf Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2015, ANAFOD Sezon Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2015, FOTOGEN 30. Yıl Fotoğraf Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2015, Turkey By Photographs, Los Angeles/ABD
2015, Işığın İzinde / Emek Karma Fotoğraf Sergisi, Duzce/Turkey
2015, Anafod Yeşilay Fotoğraf Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2015, Torosların İncisi İbradı Karma Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2014, Birlikte - Sss Üyeleri Karma Sergisi, Konya/Turkey
2014, Canonturk 5. Yıl Sergisi: Tanıtıcı Manzara, Istanbul/Turkey
2014, Anafod Fotoğraf Sergisi 2013-2014, Istanbul/Turkey
2014, Gezdik Gördük Çektik 4, Istanbul/Turkey
2014, Artoros Sanat Festivali Sergisi, Antalya/Turkey
2014, Fotoğraf Dernekleri Karma Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2013, Konya “Dünya İnançları” Ve “Kapılar” Sergisi, Konya/Turkey
2013, Haydarpaşa Garı Karma Fotoğraf Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2013, Photoworld Gezileri Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2013, Canonturk II. Karma Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2010, 2010 Yılı Cumhuriyet Fotoğrafları Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
2010, Canonturk Karma Fotoğraf Sergisi, Istanbul/Turkey
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